About Me

My photo
My name is Dawn Haas and I am a portrait/lifestyle photographer in the Tampa/St. Pete/New Port Richey area. This is where I put all my thoughts and a few pictures from every shoot. For more information check out my website at www.dawnhaasphotography.com or please contact me by email. God bless and if you like what you see I am just an email away. Dawnhaasphotography@gmail.com

Friday, November 14, 2008

Why I was in Charleston

I was in Charleston recently for an OSP get together and seminar. While I was there I did take pictures so those are coming later but for now I wanna show you a video. Ok here is the story:
Each night thanks to Tim Co. we would all get our laptops and sit in the lobby and play Draw My Thing (pictionary game). On the last night there were a lot of drunk people in the lobby because of some concert. One of them would not leave us alone and kept talking about how many "Apple" computers there were. He kept repeating it over and over. So Kip maturly asks him to leave us alone. Well after that lets just say a lot of bad words came of the drunk guys mouth. A few hours later we go up to bed and see him just roaming the halls so we got this:
(Shout out to Carolina, Amy, Elise, Tim Co., Chet, and Kip for staying up till 4am dealing with this dude!!)


Kerri McConnell Photography said...

LMAO!! was he really raging about macs? how odd yet humorous at the same time!

Unknown said...

I still can't beleive how crazy that guy was!! Had a great time hangin out last week.

Heather S. Photographics said...

that was hilariouus Dawn!