About Me

My photo
My name is Dawn Haas and I am a portrait/lifestyle photographer in the Tampa/St. Pete/New Port Richey area. This is where I put all my thoughts and a few pictures from every shoot. For more information check out my website at www.dawnhaasphotography.com or please contact me by email. God bless and if you like what you see I am just an email away. Dawnhaasphotography@gmail.com

Friday, February 12, 2010

Too Late to Work

I didn't think this was possible but it is, I am having photographers block. It is 1:38 am and I am up finishing up the full edited photos for Carolyn and Dave's wedding and I feel like I am having a block. A creative block. I wish that I could edit the pictures as I take them because when I take a picture I always have an idea in mind. Then when I get home and I am looking at 3000 pictures I forget what each idea was. So... I surf the internet and look for other peoples ideas and it goes a little like this:
Google Search Jose Villa
Oh wow he just did an amazing wedding in Mexico...mmmm Mexican food
www.allrecipes.com search mexican recipes
need comino seeds for recipe
oh and while I am there I will get light bulbs and wedding magazine
Oh man John Mayer said some pretty bad stuff in lates magazine interview
Google Search John Mayer
Facebook and update my status on how awful John Mayer is

Anyways, you get the picture. It is bad for me to have a block because then I stop and when I stop, it takes me 15 minutes to get back on track and then I end up blogging about it. Well, time to get back to work. Till then, here is a pretty one of Carolyn getting ready. Keep checking the blog Carolyn, they will be up soon.

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

You are too funny! I think the internet inspires multi-tasking!