About Me

My photo
My name is Dawn Haas and I am a portrait/lifestyle photographer in the Tampa/St. Pete/New Port Richey area. This is where I put all my thoughts and a few pictures from every shoot. For more information check out my website at www.dawnhaasphotography.com or please contact me by email. God bless and if you like what you see I am just an email away. Dawnhaasphotography@gmail.com

Monday, May 12, 2008

Mommy and Me Competition Results

Well Mother's Day was yesterday and the Mommy and Me competition is now finished and here is the result. I received 5 entries and they were all great but four of them were from the women themselves, which were still wonderful stories to read but I wanted to hear from someone else why those women where special. As I was starting to finalize who I thought was going to win the competition, last night I received the only entry from a man. This guy's name is Jack and he wrote to me about three women in his life his grandmother, his mother and his wife.
I loved the stories he wrote about his single mom and in his story it reminded me how much of a hero single moms are. You can't just be Mom, in a way you still need to make sure that your boys are exposed to little league and boy things. So you need to be Dad too. What really made his story stand out is his phrase "Proverbs 31 women." I live my life day to day trying to be a Proverbs 31 Women and I salute those women out there that have been able to portray that.
I love my son very much and I pray that one day he will write as nice things about me and Jack did about the women in his family. So to all the women in Jack's family Happy Mother's day and congratualations, Jack won you a free session and a lot more!!! Here is Jack's Entry:

3 women

my single mom
who raised 2 boys and 1 girl
taught us to appericate the lack of little to having everything ,
apperication of arts, music and to learn tap dance with the girls was ok
and to play little league was ok too.
raised us in the fear ande love of Almighty God who we found out later was actually a FAther who alwys looked after us
taught hard work ethic and to work smart
to pick up the seat and flush the toliet ...

my grandmother
...always reminding the 3 of us we were loved and could do anything inthe world if we only wanted it hard enough!
taught is was ok for hugs and kisses even if we were boys
walked in real time as example of widson and respect of other people.

...fyi each of these 2 women taught me to look for the "proverbs 31" woman... whom I was blessed to find at such a old age

my wife
gave me the best gift of the world - a child and yes and some day woman...
reminds me that I'm her lover and daddy to our child
keeps me balanced as a husband and father and helps me to grow

makes me proud and humble... to have these women in my life who taught me so much and more in being a male son grandson, husband and daddy...

Here is a picture of my son and I at a soccer game!!

1 comment:

Armin de Fiesta said...

Aw Dawn that's such a cute photo of you & your son! What a sweet post ;)